Joint login launched for Swiss Digital Alliance: OneLog
Zurich, 10 March 2021
Swiss Digital Alliance, which comprises CH Media, NZZ, Ringier, TX Group and SRG, has agreed to introduce a joint login system for its news platforms. The new login will enable users to access the journalistic content of all Alliance partners, and provide the first step in the purchase process for news platforms with premium content. Introduction of the joint login will be phased, with 20 Minuten of the TX Group and Ringier media commencing the single sign-on (SSO) in 2021 and the other members of the Alliance expected to follow suit in 2022. SRG will offer the joint Digital Alliance login as an additional and voluntary login option on its platforms.
The joint login solution, realised in line with data protection guidelines, will make it possible for the media businesses CH Media, NZZ, Ringier, TX Group and SRG to meet the needs of users more effectively. With the exception of SRG, the login system will support the provision of journalistic content and product development as well as the placement of relevant advertising. In both the provision of content and the supplying of advertising, SSO data is exclusively made available to the individual media companies.
Ringier and the TX Group will establish a joint venture called OneLog to develop and operate the single sign-on solution for Swiss Digital Alliance. Ringier CEO Marc Walder will be the president of the Board of Directors of OneLog; Samuel Hügli, member of the management team of TX Group, will be appointed Vice-President. Login software developed by Ringier – already used by 12 media outlets and platforms, including Blick, Beobachter, Energy and Schweizer Illustrierte – will form the technical basis for the OneLog SSO. In the first step, 20 Minuten will be utilising the Ringier SSO as from today, Wednesday 10 March. The login software will then be migrated to the new joint venture company OneLog in the course of the year. Experience from the pilot project with 20 Minuten will help to implement the OneLog SSO in as user-friendly a manner as possible. As soon as CH Media and NZZ introduce the joint Digital Alliance login, they also intend to take part in the OneLog joint venture. At the same time, the SSO solution of the Swiss Digital Alliance will remain open to all interested media companies and titles in Switzerland.
The members of Swiss Digital Alliance believe the joint login system will be a central element in enhancing the competitiveness of Swiss media organisations in the face of international digital platforms. The registration process will also create a more personal relationship between the media businesses and their users. Participating media titles will be able to offer their readers a user experience comparable to that offered by the international platforms.
Based on the premise «Together we are stronger», the stated aim of the Alliance partners is to strengthen their position significantly as they compete internationally for the attention of users. In this way, the partners hope to ensure the provision of high quality journalistic content – from Switzerland, for Switzerland.
In the medium term, the Alliance partners plan to introduce OneLog for the following online platforms:
CH Media: Luzerner Zeitung, St. Galler Tagblatt, bz Basel, Solothurner Zeitung, Aargauer Zeitung, Grenchner Tagblatt, Oltner Tagblatt, Badener Tagblatt and Limmattaler Zeitung
NZZ: Neue Zürcher Zeitung and NZZ am Sonntag
Ringier: Blick, Beobachter, Bilanz, Handelszeitung, Energy, Schweizer Illustrierte, izzy projects and
TX Group: Tages-Anzeiger, Basler Zeitung, Berner Oberländer, Berner Zeitung, Der Bund, Der Landbote, 20 Minuten, Langenthaler Tagblatt, Thuner Tagblatt, Zürichsee-Zeitung and Zürcher Unterländer
SRG: Play Suisse