September 26th, 2023

TX Conference 2023 & LEAD Journalistic-Conference

The Innovation Leap

This year’s TX Group's legendary tech TX Conference and Tamedia's renowned LEAD Journalistic-Conference took place in a joint event on September 26, 2023. 

Did you miss the event and want to know what happened? Watch below the recap of the day and get inspired for next year.

The event was dedicated to the fusion of technology, journalism, advertising and their groundbreaking possibilities. Inspiring industry experts, thought leaders and innovative minds took center stage presenting latest global developments and engaging in an interactive panel discussion. The topics ranged from global industry happenings to in-house initatives (TX Group, Tamedia, 20 Minuten and Goldbach).

Thanks to all the speakers and participants who joined us and took the Innovation Leap with us! 

Click here for the detailed conference program or keep scrolling to learn about our speakers.

Moderator and speakers

Ana Maria Montero

Ana Maria Montero will guide our speakers and participants throughout the day, closing up the conference with an engaging panel discussion headlined by the guest speakers. She is an international TV, radio and print journalist and an event moderator with over 20 years of experience at CNN, amongst other renowned companies.

Angelika Gurtner

Angelika Gurtner is part of Tamedia’s editorial team for the Traffic Monitor. Before joining Tamedia, she worked 15 years in Reuters news agency as a business journalist in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, reporting about airlines, cars and banks. She now writes for Tamedia's new B2B portal Traffic Monitor about electromobility and sustainability, among other topics.

Désirée Pomper

Désirée Pomper has been Editor-in-Chief of "20 Minuten" since the beginning of 2023. Before that, the 39-year-old headed the Politics, Reporter and Video Story departments, where she developed numerous successful video formats. Pomper played a leading role in the company's social media first strategy and co-produced the internationally award-winning documentary and feature film "Do You Remember Me?" about female circumcision.
The Lucerne native holds a master's degree in international relations from the University of Geneva and a diploma from Columbia University in New York.

Dominic Herzog

Dominic Herzog is the Chief Data Scientist at TX Group AG, where he leads cross-company machine learning projects and functions as a link to research projects with the Media Technology Center of ETH in the field of natural language processing (NLP). He also works with his team to drive the development of internal quality metrics such as bias or viewability in TX Group's products. Dominic holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Basel, with a focus on game and auction theory.

Dr. Markus A. Wirth

Markus Wirth is the Chief Transformation Officer at Goldbach. Before joining TX and Goldbach, Markus Wirth worked in various international consulting and executive roles across 3 continents. He is extremely passionate about transforming business models and companies with a strong focus on customer centricity. Together with his great team at Goldbach, he currently shapes the digitization of marketing advertising in Switzerland. Markus holds a PhD degree from the University of St. Gallen and an International Directors Diploma from INSEAD.

Lukas Görög

Lukas Görög has lived and worked in 6 European countries during his studies and career, gaining insights from each culture. He believes data & AI are crucial for an excellent business strategy. As founder of Predictea Digital & Data Strategist at Styria Media Group AG, Lukas is an expert in business, AI and digital analytics. He collaborates primarily with “Die Presse” in Austria & shares insights through blogging for INMA & Predictea Digital. Lukas also organizes conferences, meetups, webinars, and provides media training at the Academy for Dialogue in Vienna.

Florian Sonderegger

Florian Sonderegger leads the Commercial Publishing team at 20 Minuten/TX Group, where they develop and execute content marketing campaigns for advertisers, while also identifying and shaping new content-based commercial opportunities - like the fast-growing monetization of 20 Minuten's social media activities. With a background which includes roles at VICE and VIRTUE Worldwide, Florian has international experience in content creation as well as strategy and business development. Guided by the core principles of innovation, empathy and storytelling, he is passionate about unlocking new potentials for teams, brands and their audiences.

Titus Plattner

As a journalist for over 20 years, Titus Plattner has worked for L’Hebdo, Le Temps, and Le Matin Dimanche as a parliamentary correspondent in Bern before spending ten years in Tamedia’s investigative unit. In 2017-2018, he spent a year at Stanford University, where he received a John S. Knight Journalism Fellowship. Since his return from California, he divides his time between journalism and innovation projects within the Tamedia group.

Guest speaker

Markus Dobbelfeld

As a seasoned 'Digital Veteran' and former C-level Executive, Markus has led transformative marketing and digital change initiatives in complex omnichannel corporations across industries. With a proven track record spanning two decades, he has built and guided powerful digital organizations, achieving impressive commercial results through disruptive digital business models. In his capacity as Chief Marketing and Digital Officer of the Vorwerk Group, Markus orchestrated the digital revolution of the culinary domain converting the Thermomix into a digital IoT ecosystem.

Detailed Program

10.00 - 10.05h  
Greeting & Day’s Information: Ana Maria Montero, Moderator

10.05 - 10.15h  
Welcome to the Conference: Pietro Supino, TX Group Chairman & Publisher

10.15 - 11.00 h 
Guest Speaker: Markus Dobbelfeld
Innovation and Digitalisation Expert, ex Global Chief Marketing & Digital Officer at
Vorwerk Group
Title: Leadership and Digital Disruption in the Kitchen: The Thermomix IoT Transformation Story

11.00 - 11.30 h 
Dominic Herzog, Chief Data Scientist at TX Group
Title: AI, Research, and Media Synergies: Spotlight on Global Innovations, Practices & Challenges

11.35 - 12.00 h 
Désirée Pomper, Editor-in-Chief at 20 Minuten
Title: Transformation of Journalism & Newsroom: How 20 Minuten has Realigned Itself in Times of News Fatigue

12.00 - 13.30 h Lunch

13.30 - 13.55 h 
Markus Wirth, Chief Transformation Officer and Member of the Executive Board at Goldbach Group
Title: Goldbach Platform: Connecting Brands with People - Reimagined!

14.00 - 14.45 h 
Guest Speaker: Lukas Görög, Data Strategist at Styria Media Group
Title: The Power of AI in the Newsroom: Applications & Efficiency Boosts

14.50 - 15.20 h 
Angelika Gurtner, Editor at Tamedia Publications Deutschschweiz AG
Title: Tamedia’s New B2B-Vertical - "Traffic-Monitor"

15.20 - 15.35 h Coffee Break

15.40 - 16.25 h 
Panel Discussion with Markus Dobbelfeld, Lukas Görög and our in-house experts.

16.30 - 18.00 h Apéro & Entertainment Program


Visual Recaps

TX Conference 2023 & LEAD Conference
TX Conference 2022
TX Tamedia Exchange 2019

TX Conference 2023 Throwback