
Tamedia will pursue its strategy to run an own high-quality sales operation and takes over the marketing agency Adextra – Dominik Lämmler to head the Display Classified team

Zurich, 18 December 2015 – Tamedia will pursue its strategy to run an own high-quality sales operation for all newspapers, magazines and digital journalistic offerings and is therefore about to acquire the marketing agency Adextra with its complete staff of seven during the course of the year 2016. In Tamedia's new Advertising and Commuter Media division, Dominik Lämmler will subsequently, no later than 1 January 2017, take over responsibility for the sales team Display Classified. Presently, Lämmler, jointly with Roger Blaser, is Managing Partner of Adextra, one of the leading marketing agencies for digital advertising in Switzerland.


In the new Advertising and Commuter Media division headed by Marcel Kohler, the Display Classified team will be responsible for the marketing of display advertising on Tamedia's non-journalistic platforms. Adextra already has the mandate to sell marketing capacities from various Tamedia sites, such as,,, and Additionally, it also markets other leading Swiss platforms.


Dominik Lämmler has previously already worked for Tamedia in various positions. From 2008 to 2011 he built up the advertising market of the regional news platforms forming the Newsnet and from 2003 to 2008, he took part in the development of the advertising products of the online portal


Roger Blaser, founder and Managing Partner as well, has decided to take over new professional opportunities after the transitional phase at the end of 2016. Before founding the marketing agency Adextra in 2010, he was employed by Uphighmedia, Adlink and the St. Galler Tagblatt, among others.


Marcel Kohler, Head of 20 Minuten and future Manager of the Advertising and Commuter Media division: «We are delighted that Dominik Lämmler, a renowned online expert, will join us as Manager of Display Classified. He is familiar with the qualities of our portals and does an excellent job of representing these in the market. By taking over Adextra we will also acquire an outstanding sales team.»


The acquisition of Adextra is subject to the approval of the federal competition commission.


Christoph Zimmer, Head Corporate Communication Tamedia,

+41 44 248 41 35, [email protected]


About Tamedia

Tamedia is the leading private media group in Switzerland. The digital platforms, daily and weekly newspapers and magazines of Tamedia offer overview, classification and selection. The company was founded in 1893 and employs a staff of approximately 3,400 in Switzerland, Denmark, Luxembourg, and Germany. It has been traded at the Swiss stock exchange since 2000.