
Tamedia accelerates digital transformation

The media company, under the leadership of CEO Jessica Peppel-Schulz, has developed a new strategy. Tamedia will focus its digital efforts on four strong brands, while maintaining the importance of its existing print portfolio, and consolidating its advertising sales operations. Bern will become the sole location for newspaper printing in the medium term. This strategic direction ensures the future of Tamedia’s quality journalism. 

Zurich, 27 August 2024 – The new strategy encompasses three main initiatives. For digital growth, Tamedia will concentrate on its four strongest brands: Tages-Anzeiger, BZ Berner Zeitung, Basler Zeitung and 24 heures. The traditional titles Bund and Tribune de Genève will retain their own digital presence. Tamedia brands with less reach will be integrated digitally into the four major platforms with tailored digital concepts. This approach will create a broad journalistic offering with high-quality content from both domestic and international sources, regional news, and useful services for all readers. The diverse print portfolio will be retained, with all Tamedia brands continuing  to serve as strong print products. The #12 app and the Verkehrsmonitor will be discontinued.  

A restructuring of newspaper printing is also planned. In recent years, overcapacity has made it economically unfeasible to operate three printing centers. Two closures are foreseen. The Centre d’Impression de Lausanne in Bussigny (VD) is expected to close at the end of March 2025, and the Zurich printing center at the end of 2026. The Bern facility will be expanded, allowing Tamedia to offer long-term production security for both its own titles and external clients.

Starting in early 2025, Tamedia will reorganize its advertising sales operations internally as Tamedia Advertising. By integrating the necessary teams from Goldbach into Tamedia and fostering closer proximity to the brands, the company aims to drive growth in advertising revenues.

This new strategy is a response to the rapid transformation in media consumption, as well as the changes in the advertising market driven by technology companies. These measures are essential to maintain the performance and quality of journalism. Unfortunately, the plan involves personnel measures. The printing centers are expected to see a reduction of approximately 200 full-time positions, while the editorial departments would face an estimated 90 job cuts, both subject to the outcomes of consultation procedures. Social plans, including early retirement options, will be implemented. In addition to personal support and counseling, Tamedia will offer affected employees financial assistance for development and retraining programs.

“We will embark on this new path as carefully as possible, and take our responsibility as an employer very seriously,” says CEO Jessica Peppel-Schulz. For the future, sustainable profitability is essential to preserve independent quality journalism. “This is something Tamedia has always been committed to, and that will not change. We want to be a leader of quality journalism in the digital world, continuing our contribution to a free and democratic society.” 

Publisher Pietro Supino adds, “The media world has changed fundamentally over the past two decades. After ongoing adjustments, the time for a radical strategic repositioning has come. The Board of Directors has closely accompanied the strategy development under the leadership of CEO Jessica Peppel-Schulz. It is conscious of the severity of the requisite measures and supports these as a means to achieving the goal of successful repositioning for a digital future.”

Investment in innovative technology and the recruitment of new talent are expected to significantly accelerate the transformation. The newly established Tamedia management team is responsible for implementing the strategy. In addition to CEO Jessica Peppel-Schulz, this includes Simon Bärtschi as Editor-in-Chief, Marc Isler (Chief Revenue Officer), now in charge of the Consumer Business and Advertising divisions, as well as Patrick Rexroth (Chief Digital Officer) and Franz Bürgi (Chief Information Officer). 

Franziska Lurk, Communication Tamedia
[email protected]

About Tamedia
Tamedia traces its roots back to the Tages-Anzeiger, founded in 1893. Today, the national media company employs 1,400 employees across German- and French-speaking Switzerland and comprises the leading editorial network. Tamedia’s daily and weekly newspapers, magazines and news platforms are locally rooted and internationally connected. They create public discourse, provide orientation and offer entertainment. Tamedia’s renowned media brands include 24 heures, Basler Zeitung, Bilanz, BZ Berner Zeitung, Das Magazin, Der Bund, Finanz und Wirtschaft, Le Matin Dimanche, Schweizer Familie, SonntagsZeitung, Tages-Anzeiger, Tribune de Genève and the Zurich regional newspapers. Its portfolio also includes the three largest newspaper printers in Switzerland. Tamedia is a company of the TX Group.