
Swiss Post, NZZ Group and Tamedia welcome COMCO's decision to stick to transfer of early delivery service despite conditions



Swiss Post, the media houses NZZ Group and Tamedia have welcomed the decision by the Federal Competition Commission to agree, in principle, to the transfer of the early delivery service. However, the three companies regret the fact that NZZ Group and Tamedia will not be permitted to have stakes in the new company as originally planned. Nevertheless, Swiss Post and the two media houses have agreed in principle to go ahead with the transfer of the early delivery service and Tamedia's acquisition of a stake in the directory portal

Over the next few days, Swiss Post, NZZ Group and Tamedia will be analysing the Competition Commission's decision and assessing what changes need to be made to the concluded contracts in order to comply with the requirements of the Commission and press ahead with the development of the new delivery organization. The new company will be a strong early delivery organization for German-speaking Switzerland under the management of Swiss Post. Swiss Post is thus expanding its range of one-stop solutions to include attractive early delivery services.

At the same time as this early delivery consolidation, Tamedia is acquiring a 75% share in the leading directory and service portal from Swiss Post. Tamedia intends to further develop the portal in the directory field in particular. The portal currently has 2.85 million unique clients (Wemf NET Audit, August 2009). Swiss Post will retains a 25% share in