
Swiss 20 Minuten AG buys the Danish commuter newspapers metroXpress and 24timer

Copenhagen and Zurich, November 28, 2012 – 20 Minuten AG, a subsidiary of Swiss media group Tamedia AG, is buying MetroXpress Denmark SA. MetroXpress Denmark SA operates the free commuter newspapers metroXpress and 24timer as well as the associated news portals. The commuter newspaper metroXpress enjoys Denmark's highest readership. Together the two newspapers, whose publishing house is located in Copenhagen, reach a distributed circulation of about 350,000 copies and a readership of approx. 730,000. 20 Minuten AG wants to bring its experience in building a successful commuter newspaper and news portal into the company and thereby contribute to the further development of the Danish media market.


On January 1st 2013, 20 Minuten AG will acquire the shares of MetroXpress Denmark SA from the media houses of Metro International S.A., which previously held 51 percent and from A-Pressen and JP/Politikens Hus, which previously held each 24.5 percent of the shares. In 2011 MetroXpress Denmark SA with its approximately 80 employees, generated 25.5 million EUR in sales. The enterprise value relevant for the takeover comes to a very low two-figure million EURO sum.


The acquisition in Denmark is the second foreign commitment of Tamedia, which includes 20 Minuten. Already at the end of 2007 Tamedia, together with the Luxembourg publishing house Editpress launched the commuter newspaper L'Essentiel, which has become very successful.


Further information on 20 Minuten and Tamedia
20 Minuten AG belongs to Tamedia with its registered office in Zürich. With daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, online platforms and newspaper printing houses Tamedia is among the leading media enterprises in Switzerland. The media of Tamedia Ltd and its subsidiaries Tamedia Publications romandes and Espace Media with their independent reporting and their critical research make an important contribution to shaping public opinion and with entertaining stories from all areas of life generate plenty of topics for discussion. The company was founded in 1893 and has been listed on the Swiss stock exchange since 2000.


Further information:
Christoph Zimmer, Head of Corporate Communications Tamedia AG
Telephone +41 44 248 41 00, email [email protected]