
Robin Simon appointed CPO for Classifieds, Marketplaces & Ventures

Zurich, 22 November 2018 – As of 1 January 2019, Robin Simon (40) will take on the newly created position of Chief Product Officer (CPO) for Classifieds, Marketplaces and Ventures; he will report to Christoph Brand and Samuel Hügli, both members of the Management Board. In this position, he will be responsible for strategic, overarching and specific operational product issues, and will retain responsibility for the Tamedia Product & UX Team (PUX); in addition, he will build up a central team of experienced product managers to support the Tamedia portfolio companies with current issues and the ongoing development of services. At the same time, he will become more involved in overarching product and innovation issues, and will initiate new advanced training opportunities for product managers as well as various measures to ensure an efficient exchange of ideas and experiences. He will also play a more active part in the Boards of Directors of the portfolio companies, as he currently does at Autoricardo AG and Gowago AG.


Christoph Brand, Member of the Management Board and Head of the Classifieds & Marketplaces Division at Tamedia: "We aim to strengthen synergies within our portfolio companies, and we are already offering them centers of competence focusing on Data Analytics, M&A, Engineering and Marketing as well as User Experience, which is assigned to Robin Simon. By creating this new position, we can also continue to drive knowledge-sharing ahead in the product development field."


Samuel Hügli, Member of the Management Board and Head of the Technology & Ventures Division: "There are more and more areas where we collaborate across divisional boundaries at Tamedia, enabling us to benefit from one another. I'm pleased that our ventures will also be taking advantage of the focused product know-how of Robin Simon and the new Products team in future, so that ideas can be implemented faster and more flexibly. In general, we have to accord much greater importance to the issue of product development at all levels, and this is another step in that direction."


Before Robin Simon joined Tamedia in 2014, he established several startups as founder and product manager. He studied business administration at the University of Mannheim and the University of Oregon.


Simon Marquard, Digital Communication Manager Tamedia

+41 44 248 41 94, [email protected]


About Tamedia

Tamedia is the leading private media group in Switzerland. The digital platforms, daily and weekly newspapers and magazines of Tamedia offer overview, classification and selection. The company was founded in 1893 and employs a staff of approximately 3,700 in Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg and Serbia. It has been traded at the Swiss stock exchange since 2000. 


Further information for media representatives about Tamedia:


A series of new pictures about Tamedia, including pictures of corporate buildings with the new logo mounted and on display, are to be found and downloadable free of charge in the photo gallery, the new corporate design and logo being introduced in january 2017.