
Jens Schleuniger becomes Head of Portfolio Management Ventures in the Technology & Ventures Division

Zurich, 24 September 2019 – Jens Schleuniger takes up the position of Head of Portfolio Management Ventures on 1 October 2019. He will strategically support all ventures of Tamedia and check new possible investments. In this role, the 39-year-old reports directly to Samuel Hügli, Head of the Technology & Ventures Division.


Jens Schleuniger has a great deal of experience in the areas of private equity, start-up investments and portfolio management, as well as in company founding and development. Most recently, he was Senior Investment Advisor and member of the investment committee at Silk Invest Ltd., a private equity fund in London. As co-founder and managing director of Für-Grü, he established the largest portal for start-ups in German-speaking countries, among other things, and developed a leading software-as-a-service solution for digital business and finance planning.


Samuel Hügli, Member of the Management Board and Head of the Technology & Ventures Division at Tamedia: “We want to further expand our portfolio in the fields of financial technology, software-as-a-service and other areas with growth potential. As a former entrepreneur and managing director, Jens Schleuniger is very well aware of the operational challenges of our ventures. He will support us significantly as a qualified expert in business development and investments. I am greatly looking forward to working with him.”


In this role, Jens Schleuniger is the successor to Lorenz Lüchinger, who left the company in May. The position was filled temporarily by Nicola Claglüna.


Simon Marquard, Digital Communication Manager Tamedia,

+41 44 248 41 94, [email protected]


About Tamedia

Tamedia is the leading private media group in Switzerland. The digital platforms, daily and weekly newspapers and magazines of Tamedia offer overview, classification and selection. The company was founded in 1893 and employs a staff of approximately 3,700 in Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Serbia. It has been traded at the Swiss stock exchange since 2000. 


Further information for media representatives about Tamedia:


A series of new pictures about Tamedia, including pictures of corporate buildings with the new logo mounted and on display, are to be found and downloadable free of charge in the photo gallery, the new corporate design and logo being introduced in january 2017.