
Jan Schwalbe becomes Editor-in-Chief of «Finanz und Wirtschaft»

On 1 January 2018, Jan Schwalbe will take up the post of editor-in-chief at the financial and investment newspaper «Finanz und Wirtschaft». He succeeds Mark Dittli, who left the company at the end of October 2017 at his own request.

Zurich, 22 November 2017 – The successor to Mark Dittli, who – as previously reported – left «Finanz und Wirtschaft» at the end of October 2017 at his own request, has been confirmed: On 1 January 2018, Jan Schwalbe will take up the post of editor-in-chief at the financial and investment newspaper.

In Jan Schwalbe, «Finanz und Wirtschaft» has found an editor-in-chief who knows the newspaper very well. The 49-year-old journalist started his career at «Finanz und Wirtschaft» in 1997 and worked his way through various professional positions. From 1997 to 1999, he was responsible for macroeconomic issues, before he moved to New York, and later to London, as a correspondent. In 2010, he returned to the editorial team in Zurich as a senior reporter. In 2012, he took over management of the editorial department «Unternehmen» (Enterprises), before he left «Finanz und Wirtschaft» in 2014 to become the managing editor for the news agency Bloomberg in Zurich. Jan Schwalbe is moving from CNN Money Switzerland to «Finanz und Wirtschaft». He was planned to be the senior producer at CNN for the upcoming launch of the TV channel.

The Board of Directors as well as the Management Board of Tamedia wish Jan Schwalbe every success in his future tasks.


Christoph Zimmer, Head Corporate Communications Tamedia

+41 44 248 41 35, [email protected]

About «Finanz und Wirtschaft»

«Finanz und Wirtschaft» provides private and institutional investors with well-founded support for decision-making, twice a week in print form on Wednesdays and Saturdays and every day at The largest business editorial office in Switzerland reports on what is happening in the global financial markets, comments on events and trends, provides analysis on companies and has the most comprehensive data service of any Swiss newspaper. Further information on coverage, readership and print run are available in Media Data at