
Albert Polo Stäheli leaves Tamedia



Zurich, 1 September 2008 - Albert Polo Stäheli, until now head of the company's
Espace Media division, leaves Tamedia in September to become new CEO of the AG
für die Neue Zürcher Zeitung as of 1 October 2008. Stäheli continues to head the
Espace Media division until his departure. Afterwards Martin Kall, Chief Executive
Officer of Tamedia, will take over as ad-interim head of the division.

Polo Stäheli, born in 1949, began his engagement with the Berner Zeitung AG at the
beginning of 1981. In 1987 he took on the leadership of the Berner Tagblatt Media BTM.
In 1993 he became CEO of the Espace Media Groupe and following the merge with
Tamedia, in 2008 member of the Tamedia Management Board.

The Board of Directors and the Management Board of Tamedia thank Albert Polo
Stäheli for his long-term and successful services and wish him all the best for his
new engagement with the NZZ.