
Ueli Eckstein becomes new head of Espace Media - Urs Schweizer leaves Tamedia

Press Release 

Press Release 

Zurich, 24. February 2009 - Ueli Eckstein becomes new head of Tamedia's corporate division Espace Media. The 56-year-old is currently the deputy CEO and head of AZ Medien's print media division. He succeeds Albert P. Stäheli. The exact date of the change has to be defined yet.

The trained typesetter Ueli Eckstein has been working for Tamedia from 1976 until 1997. After having worked as an accountant for the former Tages-Anzeiger AG, he was, among other activities, a member of the managing board, the manager of the accounting department as well as director of controlling and deputy publishing director of the Tages-Anzeiger. In this capacity he was leading in the introduction of the culture newspaper section and the communication concept «Wir bleiben dran». From 1995 to 1997, before changing to AZ Medien, Ueli Eckstein managed the publishing division of the SonntagsZeitung.

Dr Urs Schweizer, head of the corporate division Publishing Service, will leave Tamedia at the end of 2009 to join the NZZ Group. In 2008, when Tamedia and the Espace Media Group merged, the 52-year-old, who had already been working for the Espace Media Group for 20 years, became a member of the managing board. From 1993 to 2007 he was in charge of the divisions Print and Management and most recently was the deputy CEO of the Espace Media Group.

The board of directors and the management board of Tamedia would like to thank Urs Schweizer for his dedicated and successful commitment and wish him and Ueli Eckstein every success for their new endeavours.