
The negative licence decision is met with incomprehension - TeleZüri is reviewing an appeal against the decision and possible options to continue broadcasting without a licence

press release 

press release 

Zurich 31 October 2008 - TeleZüri takes note of the decision made by the Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) to not issue a new licence for the oldest and most successful private television station in Switzerland, finding it incomprehensible. Within the upcoming weeks, TeleZüri will review the option to appeal against the decision before the Federal Administrative Court in Berne, but also the prospects of broadcasting without a license. 

With regard to the possibility of broadcasting without a license, TeleZüri has already been in discussion with Swiss cable network providers in the German speaking parts of Switzerland since the spring of 2008. A larger broadcasting area and a preferred channel in the cable network would be required to be able to maintain the same quality of programme service that has been offered until now without a licence and in face of a fee-financed competitor with guaranteed cable network access. TeleZüri will inform in due time on the next steps.