Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR

Serge Reymond is leaving Tamedia; Marco Boselli will replace him as head of the Paid Media division

Serge Reymond has informed the Chief Executive Officer and the President of the Board of Directors of Tamedia of his decision to leave the media group in order to take on a new professional challenge. Marco Boselli, currently Manager of Publishing and Commuter Media Processes, will replace Serge Reymond at the end of 2019 at the head of Tamedia paid media services and will therefore become a member of the corporate management as of 1 January 2020. 

Lausanne and Zurich, 27 May 2019 – Marco Boselli, currently Manager of Publishing and Commuter Media Processes, will replace Serge Reymond at the end of 2019 as head of Tamedia's Paid Media division and will therefore become a member of the corporate management on 1 January 2020. Serge Reymond has decided to leave the Group in order to accept a new challenge at the end of the year. He and Marco Boselli will ensure that there is a smooth handover. 

Pietro Supino, publisher and President of the Board of Directors: “I would like to thank Serge Reymond for his major contribution over the last ten years. Under his management we have been able to make substantial improvements to the organisation of editing and publishing and in this way safeguard the future viability of our media brands. His work has been very much appreciated and I wish him every success for the future. I am delighted that we have found a successor internally. Marco Boselli is a very experienced journalist and will be able to incorporate his specialist knowledge and experience in the field of digital transformation regarding paid media services and their staff.”

Christoph Tonini, CEO: “I would like to thank Serge Reymond for his extensive and long-standing commitment as a member of the company's executive management. He has led and developed the Paid Media division as the core business of our Group with efficiency and vision. Over the last few years he has also successfully advanced the digital transformation process of our paid media. I wish him all the best for the future. As he is remaining in the company until the end of 2019, we will be able to ensure that there is a smooth handover to Marco Boselli.” 

Serge Reymond took over the chairmanship of the corporate management of Edipresse Suisse in 2009, which then became Tamedia Publications romandes. Since 1 May 2011 Serge Reymond has been a member of the executive of Tamedia and the head of the Paid Media division since 1 November 2016. He played a decisive role in the editorial and commercial innovation of Tamedia, including projects such as Tobi and Tadam, together with promoting and supporting projects by the innovation fund. Serge Reymond graduated with a degree in Mathematics and Economics from the University of Lausanne and completed his studies with a Master's thesis and an MBA. He had previously worked for Galenica, the Swatch-Group and Naville.


Marco Boselli, a journalist as head of the Paid Media division

As the new head of the Paid Media division, Marco Boselli and his team will continue to expand the range of digital services offered by Tamedia daily newspapers, magazines and Sunday newspapers. He will use his journalistic and media-specific knowledge and the experience he has gained over the last few years in successfully implementing the digital transformation of the Group's commuter media for the benefit of the Paid Media division and its staff.

Marco Boselli has been a journalist for many years. He has managed the Publishing and Commuter Media Processes Division of Tamedia in Switzerland and abroad since 2016 together with the entire branding and marketing of the 20 Minuten group. In addition, Marco Boselli has been the editor-in-chief of 20 Minuten since 2003. He was involved to a decisive extent in the development of the commuter newspaper, which is the news platform with the highest readership and most influence in Switzerland. In 2010, Marco Boselli participated in the Sulzberger Executive Leadership Program at Columbia University in New York. Information will be provided about Marco Boselli's successor at the appropriate time.

The Board of Directors and the executive management of Tamedia would like to thank Serge Reymond for his longstanding commitment to the company and wish him all the best for the future. The Board of Directors and the executive management would like to congratulate Marco Boselli and wish him every success in his new position. 


Patrick Matthey, Communications Manager Tamedia

+41 44 248 41 35, [email protected]  


About Tamedia

Tamedia is the leading private media group in Switzerland. The digital platforms, daily and weekly newspapers and magazines of Tamedia offer overview, classification and selection. The company was founded in 1893 and employs a staff of approximately 3,700 in Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg and Serbia. It has been traded at the Swiss stock exchange since 2000. 

Further information on Tamedia for media professionals: