Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR

Rolf Bollmann hands management of Zurich Media over to Ueli Eckstein

Zurich, 10 September 2012 – Rolf Bollmann has voluntarily given up the management of Tamedia's company division Zurich Media to take up new tasks. On Monday, 10 September 2012 the regional newspapers, gazettes and news platforms in the Zurich area, along with the Berne media house Espace Media, will be combined into the new company division Regional Media German-speaking Switzerland headed by Ueli Eckstein. With Ueli Eckstein, Regional Media German-speaking Switzerland will be placed under the management of an experienced publisher. The 60-year old headed the company division Espace Media since 2009, and previously acted as deputy CEO of AZ Medien, deputy publishing director of Tages-Anzeiger and publishing head of SonntagsZeitung.


Rolf Bollmann's retirement was previously announced in June, however it was originally planned for 2013. The 64-year old was a member of Tamedia's general management since 2005 and became the head of the company division Zurich Media in 2008. Before his appointment to the general management, he created the commuter newspaper 20 Minutes in 1999, and as its CEO, he considerably contributed to its successful development. Rolf Bollmann will continue to assist Tamedia in the further development of regional media in the Zurich area until the end of 2014 on a consultancy basis. As such he will also continue his office as director on the boards of Glatttaler AG, Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich AG, Ziegler Druck- und Verlags AG and of Zürcher Regionalzeitungen AG.


The board of directors and the general management of Tamedia express their thanks to Rolf Bollmann for his longstanding commitment and successful work and wish him all the very best for the future.

Additional information:
Christoph Zimmer, Head of Corporate Communications Tamedia
Telephone +41 44 248 41 00, Email [email protected]