Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR

Christoph Tonini will step down as CEO of Tamedia a year from now; a new organisational structure with four separate business segments has been established

Christoph Tonini will step down from his position as Chief Executive Officer of Tamedia effective 30 June 2020. His resignation is in line with his intent to seek other professional challenges upon reaching the age of 50 and with 17 years of Tamedia behind him. His wishes have been communicated to the Board of Directors some time ago.  


Together with Publisher and Chairman of the Board Pietro Supino, Christoph Tonini has developed a new decentralised organisational structure which will go into effect on 1 January 2020. Christoph Tonini will be responsible for its implementation until the end of June 2020.

With a lean Group Management and four largely autonomous business segments, the successful digital transformation and the Group's further growth are to be driven forward.

Zurich 12 June 2019 – As announced on 12 March 2019, Tamedia has reviewed the Group's corporate structure. The Board of Directors has decided to largely decentralise it and establish four sub-groups. The aim is to create optimal conditions for transparency and growth, also in view of possible partnerships within the business segments with their different opportunities and cultures. As the foundation of the Group, journalism remains the core publishing concern and a focus of investment.  


Effective 1 January 2020, the four business segments will be operating as separate units, each with its own management, its own Board of Directors and its own income statement. The Paid Media Division will be headed by Marco Boselli (Publishing) together with Andreas Schaffner (Publishing Services). Marcel Kohler will be in charge of Commuter Media, Michi Frank of Advertising Marketing and Christoph Brand of Marketplaces. The composition of the Board of Directors and management team of each sub-group will be determined and communicated during the second part of this year.  


Effective 1 July 2020, after Christoph Tonini's retirement as CEO, the Group will be directly headed by Publisher and Chairman Pietro Supino in a holding-like structure. Samuel Hügli (Technology & Ventures) and Sandro Macciacchini (Finances & Human Resources) continue to be part of the Group's management team.  


The Group's Board of Directors will determine the ownership strategy of the four business segments and the participations grouped under Ventures. The Group Management oversees the implementation and ensures the exploitation of economies of scale and synergies. In particular, Tamedia aims to expand its leading position in Switzerland by using data throughout the Group to improve its products and user experience.

Christoph Tonini joined Tamedia in 2003 as Chief Financial Officer. From 2008 to 2012 he was responsible for the divisions Services, Newspapers Switzerland, Media Switzerland as well as Digital & 20 Minuten. In 2013 he was appointed CEO of Tamedia.  


Publisher and Chairman of the Board of Tamedia Pietro Supino says: “We would like to thank Christoph Tonini for his highly successful work over the past 17 years. With his entrepreneurial spirit, his proficiency and negotiation skills his performance was extraordinary. More than 80 percent of today's group results are earned from new business in the fields of commuter media, advertising marketing and marketplaces, all of which were developed under his leadership. The new organisational structure defined with Christoph Tonini creates optimal conditions for the continued dynamic development in all business segments.”  


Christoph Tonini explains: “Together with an outstanding team, I had the great privilege to significantly contribute to the transformation of Tamedia into the leading, digital Swiss media company. The decentralised organisational structure we have now developed with the Board of Directors will enable Tamedia to be even more responsive in the relevant markets with their different principles and continue to operate successfully.”  


Media inquiries and interviews

Pietro Supino and Christoph Tonini will be personally available to answer questions of interested media professionals today, Wednesday, 12 June 2019, at 11 am at Tamedia, Werdstrasse 21 in Zurich. Please report to the Reception Desk.


Patrick Matthey, Head of Communications Tamedia

+41 44 248 41 35, [email protected]   

About Tamedia

Tamedia is the leading private media group in Switzerland. The digital platforms, daily and weekly newspapers and magazines of Tamedia offer overview, classification and selection. The company was founded in 1893 and employs a staff of approximately 3,700 in Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg and Serbia. It has been traded at the Swiss stock exchange since 2000. 


Further information for media representatives about Tamedia: A series of new pictures about Tamedia, including pictures of corporate buildings with the new logo mounted and on display, are to be found and downloadable free of charge in the photo gallery, the new corporate design and logo being introduced in january 2017.