Annonce événementielle au sens de l’art. 53 RC

Edipresse and Tamedia: the initial phase of the transaction is now in effect

Press Release 

Press Release 

Lausanne and Zurich, 23 April 2010 - The companies, Edipresse and Tamedia, have legally completed their merger's first phase. Tamedia thus becomes a 49.9% shareholder of the company PPSR SA which owns most of Edipresse's operations in Switzerland.

In the second phase, Tamedia will acquire an additional 0.2% of PPSR at the start of 2011, then the remaining 49.9% in early 2013. Part of the price of the final tranche will be paid in shares, thereby making Edipresse one of Tamedia's major shareholders. As of 2013 a Swiss media company with strong regional roots will emerge out of this merger.

The Board of Directors of the company PPSR will be comprised of five people; three appointed by Edipresse and two by Tamedia: Pierre Lamunière, Chairman, Pietro Supino, Vice-Chairman, Tibère Adler, Managing Director, Martin Kall and Michel Preiswerk. Pierre Lamunière, Chairman of Edipresse's Board of Directors, was elected to Tamedia's Board of Directors during the general assembly of May 12, 2009.