Annonce événementielle au sens de l’art. 53 RC

Christoph Brand appointed as new Digital Head at Tamedia

Zurich, 31 May 2012 - Christoph Brand appointed as new Digital Head at Tamedia. Formerly CEO of the software producer Adcubum and also the previous CEO of Sunrise, Mr. Brand shall assume his new role per 1 October 2012, thereby taking his place on the management board of Tamedia. Mr. Brand will take over from Christoph Tonini, who assumes the chairmanship of the management board in 2013.

Christoph Brand has broad experience in the telecommunications and information technology sectors, both at home and abroad. After studying economics at the University of Bern he joined Swisscom in 1995 and in 1998 assumed the management of the then largest Swiss Internet provider Bluewin, whose expansion he shaped significantly. In 2002 the now 42 year old Brand returned to Swisscom where he was last active in the role of Chief Strategy Officer and thus a member of the management board. In 2006 he became the head of the telecommunications firm Sunrise and implemented a successful growth strategy. In addition to his operational tasks he was also a member of the board of directors for companies such as Directories, Cinetrade, Swisscom Mobile and Micronas.


Tamedia Digital comprises all commercial online activities of the company such as the directory and service portal, the job platforms, and, the vehicle marketplace, the real estate portal, the small classifieds platform, as well as the dating site swissfriends and the company's interests in sites such as,,, and Under Christoph Brand's leadership, Tamedia's digital activities will further pursue their trajectory of robust expansion.


The board of directors and the management board of Tamedia wish Christoph Brand the greatest success in his new responsibilities.

Additional Information

Christoph Zimmer, Head Communications Tamedia,
Tel +41 44 248 41 35, Email [email protected]


Additional Information on Tamedia

Tamedia is a Swiss media company based in Zurich. With daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, online platforms and newspaper printing facility, Tamedia is one of the leading media enterprises in Switzerland. Thanks to their independent reporting and critical investigations the media of the Tamedia Ltd. and its subsidiaries Tamedia Publications romandes and Espace Media Groupe play a key part in shaping opinion-making and provide plenty of talking-points with entertaining stories from every area of life. The company was established in 1893 and has been listed on the Swiss stock exchange since 2000.

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