Cyber attacks on TX Group
However, according to Melani, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), such attacks may persist. It therefore cannot be ruled out that there might be occasional interruptions and delays once again. Thanks to the cloud-first strategy, most of the IT Services were not or only partially affected by the attacks. Nevertheless, those responsible are closely monitoring the situation and are continuously adapting the defensive measures.
The recent incidents were identified as so-called DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service). The aim of such is to disrupt the availability of computer systems and to paralyze Internet connections and websites. Thereby, the attacks are carried out from computers that are widely distributed. Besides the TX Group, its Internet provider as well as other Swiss companies were also affected.
“We dealt with the DDoS issue early on and accordingly installed efficient defense systems. Our website visitors and users as well as the customer data of our readers, advertisers and marketers never stood at any risk ”, says Andreas Schneider, Group CISO (Chief Information Security Officer). “Nonetheless, we need to continuously review and improve our infrastructure to ensure that potential future attacks can be prevented”, adds Schneider.