
Continuity of Tamedia Stockholders:

Press Release  

Press Release  

The Founding Family Extends the Stockholder Binding Contract and Plans to Increase Free Float

Zurich, 8 January 2008 - The founding family of today's Tamedia AG has extended its stockholder binding contract concluded in 2000 until the year 2017. Consequently, the representatives of the fourth and fifth family generation, who currently own approximately 72 percent of the capital and voting rights of the company, are obligated to collectively exercise their voting rights in electing the executive board and in voting on essential business matters.

With the extension of the stockholder binding contract, the founding family is demonstrating its strong connection with Tamedia and ensuring the long-term independence of the Swiss media company thanks to a stable base of stockholders.

At the same time as the extension of the stockholder binding contract, the 21 involved members of the founding family have confirmed their intention to increase the share of freely traded stocks to approximately 33 percent in the next years. Approximately 500 000 registered shares will be made available for additional transactions or will be placed on the market. The share of stocks committed in the stockholder binding contract will be 67 percent on a long-term basis.

The medium-term raise of the free float demonstrates a commitment to the stock market and will result in an increase of the liquidity of the Tamedia shares in stock exchange transactions, which corresponds to a market need.